Dal giorno alla notte | HYPERMAREMMA

Felice Levini Dal giorno alla notte

permanent installation

One of the arrows from ‘Dal Giorno alla Notte’ conceived by Felice Levini on the occasion of 2023 edition of Hypermaremma at Parco Archeologico dell’Antica Città di Cosa ad Ansedonia, is now permament and visible according to the opening times of the area.

The site specific intervention will continue to narrate the story of the ancient colony founded by the Romans on top of the hill of Ansedonia in 273 B.C. after the conquest of Vulci and the neighbouring Etruscan territories. Combining mythology and symbolism, Felice Levini conceives a metaphysical scenario among the archaeological ruins and the remains of Roman temples, imagining a multitude of divine signals that, like thunderbolts, indicate unequivocally to the conquerors the place sacred to the gods.


In collaboration with the Director of the Archaeological Area Susanna Sarti and the Regional Museums Directorate of Tuscany.


Critic text by Massimo Belli.

Courtesy Galleria d’Arte Niccoli, Parma.

Patronage of Comune di Orbetello and Rai Toscana.

Press release Critical texts